*POSTPONED* KIDS (LKH): S.T.E.A.M UP! for ages 3-7

Monday, March 66:30—7:15 PMLake Hiawatha Meeting RoomLake Hiawatha Branch Library68 Nokomis Avenue, Lake Hiawatha, NJ, 07034

S.T.E.A.M UP! has for 3/6 has been postponed! Please join us on Wednesday, March 8 at 6:30 PM!

We will have a blast in our new S.T.E.A.M UP! program for AGES 3-7

Miss Karen will read a short book related to a specific topic. We will then move to the tables to build, create, examine or complete tasks, related to STEAM. The goal is for each child to learn how to mentally make a path to find answers and learn more!

No registration needed

No Registration Required