ADULT: NJCWRT Presents: "To Outcamp the Enemy" Gen. Grant and the Siege of Vicksburg
Thursday, October 246:55—8:30 PMZOOM
The North Jersey Civil War Round Table presents: "To Outcamp the Enemy" Gen. Grant and the Siege of Vicksburg
Part of the original Anaconda Plan incorporated dividing the Confederacy in two. Essential to that plan was the Union securing control of the Mississippi River. Although attempts were made to secure Vicksburg, the initial ones were failures. Control of Vicksburg was significant to both the Union and the Confederacy. It was, as Jefferson Davis proclaimed, “the nailhead that held the South’s two halves together.” Following the costly success of Shiloh, Major General Ulysses Grant began his movement into Mississippi and the assault at Vicksburg. Having failed in the preliminary attempts, the last option was a siege, one that would ultimately result in victory. For more information email:
Dr. Heidi Amelia-Anne Weber hold rank of full professor of Military history/history at SUNY
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